Judo is back!!

Return to judo - 7 AUGUST 2021

We are delighted that we now are able to run our judo classes at Places Leisure Eastleigh again.

Judo is a full body contact combat sport and our top priority is always that our classes are as safe as possible for all. Please read the guidance notes below that set out how we propose to do this with regard to the Covid-19 pandemic and the precautions we all of us need to take whilst the infection rates are still high. 

These are in accordance with Government, British Judo Association and Places Leisure Centre guidelines and will be updated as and when guidance changes.

Guidance for players/parents at Places Leisure Centre - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

You/your child should not attend if you have any Covid symptoms or you have been told to self-isolate.

If you are taking a holiday you might want to consider whether you should avoid judo in the week before and always use a Lateral Flow Test before returning.

Please let us know if you/your child test positive for Covid-19.

Your British Judo Association licence must be in date. If it is not, you will not be allowed on the mat. Licences can be renewed very easily online and take effect immediately and we are able to check your licence status online.

Go to: https://www.britishjudo.org.uk/my-judo/membership/applyrenew-online/


We are now accepting new senior judoka and will be accepting  new juniors and vipers from Saturday 21 August.


 Session times will change a little as we will need time to sanitise the mats and other equipment between each session. Our new times are:

We would ask that all returning Judoka attend the session they were last on before Co-vid caused closure of the club. This will be revised by the coaches in due course.

Fees remain at £4 per session for Vipers and £5 per session for Juniors and for Seniors. Please pay on the day during August and, if you wish, set up a direct debit from September. We will set up a direct debit page on our website before September.


All players should come ready changed into their judogi (judo suit), with clean hands and feet. Whilst the changing rooms and toilets will be open, their use is not encouraged by the leisure centre. Your judo suit should be washed after each session you attend.

Please keep personal possessions to a minimum and if possible leave outdoor clothing in your car or with your parents. Water bottles are of course permitted, and mobile phones if you have one. Also any necessary medicines such as inhalers, which must be in a clearly labelled and sealable see-through bag.

Use the main entrance to the Centre. There is no longer a one way system in the centre and the door onto the outdoor courts area is now locked. Please look out for signs and make sure you follow leisure centre instructions and make use of the hand sanitising stations.

 We will no longer be collecting the children outside the centre and escorting them in groups to the Dojo.

Children attending the Vipers class should be accompanied to the judo room (Dojo) by one parent or carer, who should remain in the room until the end of the session. No family groups will be permitted to wait in the Dojo.

Children attending the Junior class should be dropped off at the first door of the Dojo and collected from the far door of the Dojo at the end of the session. Spectators are not encouraged but if it is necessary to stay to support an adaptive judo player or a beginner, only one parent/carer should remain in the Dojo.

Senior players need to follow the same rules with regard to spectators

Masks are no longer compulsory in the centre but you are encouraged to wear them in crowded areas. Masks must be removed to go on the mat.

If there are several spectators in the Dojo masks are recommended and you should remember that the Dojo is a quiet space for learning and socialising can be done in other areas of the centre.


Players should enter the Dojo one at a time, when asked to by the person on the desk. Please queue outside the door while you are waiting.

Every player should check in at the desk at every session and then proceed to the sanitising station and the Clean Zone, to wait for permission to go on the mat. Do not go on the mat until you are told to by the Coach. Water bottles should be placed on the table provided and shoes at the edge of the mat.

Please avoid shouting and yelling in the Dojo or on the mat.

After the end of your session please leave the mat and put your shoes on, collect your water bottle and sanitise your hands, one person at a time. Use the door at the far end of the room where your parents will be waiting to collect you (if appropriate)

Given the contact nature of judo, we suggest that you shower and wash your hair and wash your judo suit when you get home.

We are keen to welcome you back to the judo mat and thank you for your help in supporting these new guidelines to allow us all to have fun at our judo sessions safely.