Dates for new starters

We are delighted to announce that we are now accepting new senior judoka and will be accepting  new juniors and vipers from Saturday 21 August!

Please see our Return to judo page  for more information.

What to expect on the judo mat

Once on the mat you can expect to be treated with the same respect that we ask of all our participants. The other players and the coaches will understand you are a beginner and will support you during your time on the mat. 

Our sessions usually begin with a warm-up, followed by break-fall practice to reduce the risk of injuries when being thrown. Then we might practise throwing techniques,  holding techniques, free practice, judo fun and games or,  for our more competitive judoika, competition preparations. 

 As with all sports, judo has its rules, and understanding these will better help your experience and time on the judo mat. 

New starters check-list